Carla Hutt, ND
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Advanced Allergy Therapeutics or AAT – is a fast and efficient way to determine what you are sensitive to and eliminate the symptoms. Once the sensitivity is corrected then most people may enjoy their lives without eliminating favorite foods or avoiding beloved things in their environment like pets.
” ‘Astounding’ doesn’t come close to what this treatment has achieved with me. After 28 years of Acid Reflux, hundreds of bottles of Maalox and countless Prilosec OTC pills, I now have an Acid Reflux FREE life! ” James Lawson
Understanding Allergies – Allergies and sensitivities are caused by an inappropriate reaction to harmless substances. The word “allergy” comes from the Greek allos, meaning “other”. It was first used in 1906 to refer to an “altered reaction” in the body’s immune system.
A “true allergy” is a reaction triggered by the immune system, however there are a vast number of symptoms or conditions caused by sensitivities that may or may not involve the immune system. With reactions involving food, a large percentage of the population believe they have allergies, yet fewer than 2% actually have true allergies. In fact, many suffer from undiagnosed food sensitivities or intolerances. The majority of patients who seek the AAT treatment do not have true allergies; their symptoms are likely to be caused by sensitivities with no immune involvement. Since there are few options for the treatment of sensitivities, other than avoidance, AAT provides a highly effective alternative. Symptoms caused by true allergies, however, also respond well to the treatment as the organs systems involved in the reaction are also addressed.
The use of the word “allergy” has become a generic term used by the public to describe allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.
No needles
No herbal remedies
No supplements
No avoidance
How Advanced Allergy Therapeutics Works
Advanced Allergy Therapeutics works directly with the relationship between the major organ systems and inappropriate reactions to harmless substances. While the immune system is responsible for initiating an immune reaction in the case of true allergies, it is the health and state of the organ systems that often determines the type of symptoms that may arise. With both sensitivities and allergies, symptoms typically stem from the organ system affected. For example, one patient may have a reaction to soybean by getting rashes while another patient may react with sinus congestion, heartburn or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The symptoms in each of these cases represent a different organ system involved. By treating the organ system(s) involved in a reaction, the body is able to respond more appropriately.
During treatment, gentle pressure is used on points that correspond with the organ systems involved in a reaction. The degree of stress on the organ systems caused by an allergen or offending agent, is proportional to the degree of the negative reaction. While the stimulation is applied, a subtle representation of the offending substance is introduced to the surface of the skin. The stimulation reduces the stress on the effected organ system, allowing for a more appropriate response.
All holistic fields of medicine are aligned in the approach to treat the whole body. They share the understanding that health conditions may develop as a result of interference in proper functioning caused by various forms of stress or other factors. Reducing the stress or interference allows for optimal health. When the specific organ system is supported and stress is reduced, the whole body is able to respond more appropriately.
AAT is a highly effective treatment that provides long-term relief from symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities.
AAT does not treat cases of anaphylaxis or life threatening symptoms. Strict avoidance is always advised in these cases.
“I have had bloating on and off most of my adult life. In the last few months it has become a daily occurrence. Since my first treatment, I have not had any bloating at all! It has been amazing!” Arminda Ray
AAT Symptoms Treated
DIGESTIVE SYMPTOMS: Including reflux, heartburn, abdominal and intestinal pain, cramping, gas, bloating, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.; Primarily caused by reactions to food or other ingestants.
Respiratory System: Symptoms include sneezing, congestion, runny nose, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughs, postnasal drip, skin conditions, rashes and itchy, watery eyes. Reactions may be associated with pollens, dust, food, chemicals and animals (including dog and cat dander and bird feathers), air-borne substances and contactants.
Dermatological: Symptoms may include red, itchy, or scaly skin rashes, blisters with oozing and crusting, dry leathery patches or hives. The main cause of dermatological reactions can be a reaction to food but can also be caused by plants, contactants and chemicals.
Headaches & Migraines : May be caused by reactions to food such as chocolate and caffeine, airborne irritants such as pollens and chemicals including household cleaners, perfumes and vehicle fumes.
Tiredness & Fatigue: Many reactions result in lethargy and feelings of fatigue. Tiredness can also occur at certain times of the day, such as in the afternoon after eating.
Human Allergy Therapeutics | East Granby CT | Frontier Wellness Center